Germany Implements Measures for Industrial Energy Price Relief Amid Winter Concerns

Germany Square - The Chemical Company

As winter approaches, bringing with it the prospect of rising electricity costs, Germany is proactively taking steps to mitigate the impact on its substantial industrial sector.The German government has successfully negotiated a five-year plan aimed at supporting industries grappling with the current high electricity prices.This strategic move is designed to prevent companies from relocating abroad […]

Global Trade Affected by Critical Water Levels in Panama Canal

Global Trade Panama Canal Square - The Chemical Company

The Panama Canal, a vital passage for global ocean shipments, is currently facing a significant challenge due to drought conditions in the surrounding areas.This environmental issue has led to a decrease in water levels available for the canal’s operation, resulting in restrictions on both the number and the maximum allowable weight of ships passing through.The […]

Mixed Construction Data by Segment YTD 2023

Mixed Construction Square - The Chemical Company

A wide gap in data has unfolded between commercial, non-building, and residential construction thus far in 2024. Residential construction and the housing market has cooled, with mortgage rates topping 8% and a drop in home sales and the number of houses on the market. In stark contrast to this, commercial, nonresidential and nonbuilding construction has […]

Consumer Spending, Inflation Still Hot

Consumer Spenidng Square - The Chemical Company

Corporate earnings reports, spending indicators, and inflationary tracking mechanisms have all stayed relatively hot as summer comes to an end. While spending has pivoted slightly from household upgrades and other hard goods to travel and out-of-home experiences as the Covid era is behind us, consumers are still in fact spending. It appears consumers have gotten […]

Plan Ahead for Q4 Weather Impacts

Plan Ahead for Q4 Square - The Chemical Company

As the calendar turns to November, it’s been a relatively quiet hurricane season thus far, with minimal significant storms and damage to the regions where industry is most concentrated in the US Southeast and Gulf areas. While there is still time for storms to brew in the Atlantic, a relatively calm hurricane season is a […]