Chemistry Could be the Solution to Better Infrastructure

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The chemical industry is in an auspicious position to lend a hand in helping to achieve an ambitious agenda to build a better America. Chemistry is inevitable to scientific advancements necessary to accomplish a wide range of sustainability and climate goals linked to infrastructure and global supply chains. The chemical industry invests more than $10 […]

Join The Chemical Company at AFPM 2022!

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The Chemical Company enthusiastically looks forward to the 2022 AFPM International Petrochemical Conference, back to its standard timing of March in San Antonio, Texas. Join the TCC team for a meeting, stop by for a cocktail at our Fourth Annual Cocktail Party at AFPM, or play a round of 18 holes with us Saturday, March […]

Hurricane Ida Weighs on Chemical Production

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As nearly all manufactured goods are produced using chemistry in some form, manufacturing activity is an important indicator for chemical demand. The chemistry industry is one of the largest industries in the United States, with lingering hurricanes and other supply chain disruptions, the largest decline in chemical production from July to October was in the […]

Wholesale Prices Increase at Record Pace

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Supply chain bottlenecks and surging demand have been the primary drivers of inflation. Wholesale prices have increased at a record pace this past November, according to the Labor Department, indicating the inflation pressures in the post-covid economy are persisting. Consumer pricing is increasing at its fastest pace in nearly 40 years, with the demand for […]

California’s Executive Order to Alleviate Port Congestion

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California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order on October 20th, 2021, effective immediately, directing state agencies to locate federal and private land for short-term container storage while identifying freight routes for trucks. The port of Los Angeles and Long Beach alone move roughly 35% of all containers in the United States, both imports and […]