China’s Lockdowns Putting Strain on World’s Economy

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Shanghai, home to China’s leading financial center and some of its largest sea and airports, has been under lockdown for more than two weeks with no sign of ending. China’s unwavering commitment to its “Zero-Tolerance” Covid-19 policy threatens to deal a hefty blow to its economy while placing further stain on global supply chains and […]

Price of Oil Fluctuates with Geopolitical Trends

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After oil prices skyrocketed to three-digits adding up to about $140 per barrel, U.S. oil dropped more than 8%, breaking below $100 per barrel. Senior energy trader at CIBC Private Wealth U.S., Rebecca Babin, noted the decline could be attributed to a mix of geopolitical and demand factors in the economy. While Russia continues with […]

Tensions Mount for Upcoming Beijing Olympics

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China is moving forward with opening its borders to the world in 2022 in celebration of its hosting the upcoming Winter Olympics. While this news comes as a shock for most of the world, considering China has one of the strictest zero-tolerance policies regarding Coronavirus, frequently shutting down busy ports and shipping terminals when even […]