Texas Plants Shut Down Ahead of Freeze


signs of snow texas 1 - The Chemical Company

Plants in Texas shut down operations recently in preparation for a cold front that caused temperatures to reach below freezing. Cold weather disruptions, that seemingly started within the last year, are detrimental to Gulf Coast plants as many of them are not equipped to handle long periods of freezing temperatures. Extremely frigid temperatures can also affect the products produced by these plants, as temperature can change the physical properties of some liquids and gases, therefore disrupting the production chain. Companies that have not announced shut-downs have announced that they will be implementing winter protocols, something that was not previously in place due to unforeseen weather changes. An article published by ICIS reports further on the plant shut-downs, including a second article with additional shut-downs as a means to warn distributors of potential supply chain disruptions.

To read the first article announcing shut-downs, Click Here.

To read the second article with additional closures, Click Here.




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